Thursday 10 November 2016

3 Ways to Easily Add Social Media to Your Juice Bar Marketing Plan


Marketing your juice bar on social media can be a challenge.  You might be tempted to stick to a few basic promotions and call it a day.  Coming up with new material and knowing where to post and when can seem overwhelming to some busy juice bar owners. However, social media is a fantastic tool for juice bar owners and can not be overlooked.  Our advice is to keep it simple and organized.  Follow these steps and be prepared to bring in new customers and keep existing customers happy with your new social media promotions.
Reignite your excitement and put aside a small block of time to plan and create your social media posts.  Create a Google Calendar just for your social media posts.  Call it your Editorial Calendar and add in any special events or sales that you are already planning.  
1) Research and use popular hashtags, people searching for the hashtag can find your site, #ThirstyThursday.  You can also create your own hashtags and use them often, #FriendFriday #B1G1JuiceFriday and offer a special sale of buy 1 juice get 1 free if you bring a friend.
2)  Bring Social into your Store.  Have a sign telling your customers where they can find you online.  Near your cash register have a sign to visit you on Facebook for special offers.  You could even set up a photo spot in your store that encourages people to take their picture there and paint your hashtag right on the wall.
3)  Encourage sharing!  Offer special coupons and special deals for sharing their images online. Consistently share and ask for photos of your clients enjoying your smoothies and fresh juices!
Resource :

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